Robot Avatar

Nowadays robots show high-performance in repetitive tasks, performing independent and fast actions. However, their usage in unstructured environments and in complex manipulation tasks is still limited. For these reasons there is a need to have robots not only like an autonomous entity but rather like a remote physical interface (AVATAR) allowing the product to leverage on the user skills, letting her/him to operate in safety.

A key feature of the proposed teleoperation framework lies in its intuitive use and the simplicity of the teleoperation devices. These can be easily worn reducing the physical burden of the operator. The operator is the control entity (the user) while the telerobot is the system being controlled.

The teleoperator can move the robot and receive feedback from it using different wearable intuitive interfaces. In this way, the robot becomes an extension of the operator, who can transfer her/his skills to a remote place reducing the risk of injuries and saving time and resources.

This framework has been tested on different robots and in several real scenarios: Search & Rescue applications, service robotics,and in response to the pandemic